Zero Is the Best Place To Start

My husband and I started out with less than nothing when we got married. We were worth less than $0.

We were both in debt, and when we got married, it got worse. We both worked low income jobs, we had 4 kids to take care of, our vehicles weren't big enough for our family, we had poor housing arrangements.

So we had to take out debt for anything from clothes to groceries to car repair. We had to finance a vehicle for the first time in my life. We had no direction, no plan and it was getting exponentially worse by month.

We always knew our debt was holding us down and wanted to get rid of it ASAP, but we also had no clue what we were doing.

Life changing thought for me was: ‘I want to learn about money.’ - because I knew that otherwise, we’d always be living in misery.

I went back to college, got my accounting degree, then my CPA license and got a corporate job where I learned A LOT about money.

Fast forward 7 years later and we have regular 'business partner' meetings, pay ourselves first every time we get paid, we have savings accounts for every big goal, look for intentional ways to give, and emergencies aren't detrimental to our financial health.

In the first year that we implemented our personal money system, my husband started his own business, we paid off over $13K in debt and multiplied our savings by 8x.

We just plan, sometimes fall off track, but get right back on the wagon, set goals, and hold each other accountable.

Less than 2 years later, I was able to quit my FT job with no guarantee of where the next dollar would come from so that I could help others achieve their dream life like I’ve been able to do.

I’m already making more now than I ever did working for someone else, work less than ever, and I LOVE what I do.

We’re seeking progress, not perfection. This is what freedom looks like. Planning, action, accountability. REPEAT.

Everyone should have this freedom & feeling of liberation. We all have things we want out of life and generally money opens up those opportunities for us.

Key takeaways: Your desire to learn will get you anywhere you want to go. Messy action always trumps no action.

Let’s talk about how you can have this kind of peace in your business and personal life.


Money Amplifies Impact


6 Methods for Emotionally Detaching From Money