Business Is As Simple As A Recipe

What makes it hard as entrepreneurs is creating a recipe from scratch and developing our own proprietary formula that results in a positive sum game.

Here’s a formula I think might help make it a bit simpler. If you can piece all these things together as the foundation of your business, it’s just a matter of the right ratios:

👩‍🍳 What is your businesses PURPOSE?
👩‍🍳 What is your unique POSITIONING?
👩‍🍳 Through what PRODUCT will you manifest your purpose? (Think of your service as a product)
👩‍🍳 What PEOPLE will you serve?
👩‍🍳 What PEOPLE do you need to help you fulfill your mission?
👩‍🍳 What PROCESSES do you need to create to help this machine run more smoothly?
👩‍🍳 Knowing all of this, can you make a PROFIT?
👩‍🍳 Is your profit enough to ensure POSITIVE CASH FLOW?

This is your free business planning model in case you needed one and the beginning of your recipe!


A Business Focused On Helping People Will Grow


Building daily habits