Quit Making Business Difficult

Business is so simple, yet we can make it overcomplicated. We take for granted the simple act of journaling, making a gratitude list and making the client experience top priority, yet so few actually do it. Many are just chasing a dollar.

The world is quick to discredit the power of your mind over matter, so we buy all this extra stuff we don't need to build a business, but hesitate to invest in ourselves. You can buy all the tools, software's, applications, employ all the people, and know all the numbers, but it's the intangibles that always take precedent.

It's the brain dump into a journal so that we can better understands ourselves, and as a result, change our own world to what we want.

Progress Coaching and Consulting brings two critical business functions together to give you the confidence, connectedness, and clarity you need to build a business you love and will make the world better.

Try this exercise today and no less than once a week if you are serious about growing your business and leaving a positive impact:

  • Write down 5 things you are grateful for

  • Write down 5 things you want to be grateful for

  • Write down the 5 emotions you want to experience each day

  • Write down the 5 emotions you want clients to experience as a result of working with you

  • Write down 5 thoughts you want to think today

I guarantee, if you commit to this exercise, it will change the way you do business and make it grow.


Time is Money!


6 Ways to Improve Cash Flow for Your Business